- Prochain concert -
Data Base
Informations |
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Database is composed by :
- exhaustive discography of principal French organists (187 born between 1875 and 1977)
- exhaustive discography of some non French organists : A. Froidebise, J. Jones,, K. Koïto, C. Rakish, G. Weir, G. Arel, A. Bolliger, A. Bouchard, G. Bovet, D. Briggs, R. Cavarra, J. D. Christie, R. Daveluy, H. Deutsch, L. van Doeselaar, M.-A. Doran, P. Ewers, R. Fisher, B. Foccroulle, M. Haselböck, A. Heiller, C. Herrick, K. van Houten, P. Hurford, G. Kaunzinger, A. de Klerk, E. Kooiman, B. Lagacé, G. Leonhardt, A. Luy, C. M. Moosmann, M. Murray, T. Murray, A. Newman, F. Peeters, P. Planyavsky, R. Poirier, Y. G. Préfontaine, M. Radulescu, L. Rogg, H. Schoonbroodt, J. Sluys, R. Smith, W. Syré, L. F. Tagliavini, T. Toren, H. Vogel, H. Walcha, H. Walther, J. C. Zehnder.
- records of non French organists totally devoted to one of 150 selected composers.
- Concert recordings of non-French organists only from 1996 on.
Fields content :
- Organist : indicates the performer's name or performers' names. Always write first name first and then the last name. If you want, you can write the last name only.
- Record Title : defines general content.
- Composer: Piece : This field groups two pieces of information but may contain the composer's name (initial and last) only. Pieces may be named by their appropriate French title (Symphonie, Sonate, Concerto...) or by a generic term such as 'Piece'. If the entire composition is recorded, you may write " X Sonates " or intégrale, or Oeuvre d'orgue (organ work).
- Town / Church or Concert Hall : defines the place.
- Publisher-Label: write the whole name or common abbreviation without reference codes.
-CD means numeric recording on a compact-disck or re-issue of a LP. After 1990 CD symbol is obviously omitted.
-The number between parentheses is the issue number of French journal "Disque" (dq ) or "Diapason-Harmonie" ( ) where the record is reviewed.