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Lieu / Eglise
19 disques
1 - Stephen THARP
The St-James'recital
M. Duruflé
: Toccata op. 5
B. Simonds
: Prelude on Iam Sol Recedit Igneus
Anthony Newman
: Toccata and Fuga sinfonica on BACH
R. Wagner
: Wotan 's Farewell de Die Walküre
G. Baker
: Danse diabolique
M. E. Bossi
: Scherzo en sol mineur op. 49 n°2
M. Ravel
: La valse
- New York St-James Church Madison Avenue
- Disque Acis;,
orgue Schoenstein & Co organs op. 156 & 157
2 - Stephen THARP
”Louis Vierne: Complete Organ Symphonies”
L. Vierne
: 5e[*] et 6e symphonies
- Paris St-Sulpice
- Disque Aeolus; AE 11191,
Sept. 2010*, Octobre 2014, vol. 3
3 - John SCOTT [1], Ken COWAN [2], Peter CONTE [3], Thomas MURRAY [4], Christoph Martin FROMMEN [5], David BRIGGS [6], Léon BERBEN [7], Craig CRAMER [8], Stephen THARP [9], Daniel ROTH [10], Olivier LATRY [11], Philippe LEFEBVRE [12], Jean-Pierre LEGUAY [13]
G. Fauré
: Kyrie from Messe Basse [9l]
R. Vaughan Williams
: For all the Saints [9l]
J. F. Wade
: O come, all ye faithful [9l]
J. S. Bach
: Toccata in d minor BWV 565 [9l]
M. Reger
: Ave Maria op.80 No.5 [9l]
L. Vierne
: Carillon de Westminster [9l], Stèle pour un enfant defunt Op.58 [9j], Final de la 1re Symphonie [1a]
Anonnyme 17e
: Batalha de 6e ton [8h]
A. Rubinstein
: Kambnoi Ostrow [2b]
D. Briggs
: Improvisation on Ave Maris Stella [6f]
D. Buxtehude
: Praeludium in e minor BuxWV 142 [9i]
J. Demessieux
: Te Deum Op.11 [5e]
D. Roth
: Improvisation - Poeme on Salve Regina [10j]
V. Lübeck
: Praeludium in g minor [7g]
O. Latry
: Improvisation sur le Prose de la Dédicace, Improvisation - Sortie sur Salve Regina, Improvisation sur le Maginficat du 8e ton [11k]
P. Lefebvre
: Improvised versets on the Magnificat [12k]
J.-P. Leguay
: Improvisation on Victimae Paschali [13k]
J. Jongen
: Choral Op.37 [3c]
A. Fleury
: Variations sur un noël bourguignon [4d]
- New York St-Thomas [a], Jackson First Baptist [b], Philadelphie Wanamaker Store [c], New Haven Yale University [d], Toulouse St-Sernin [e], New York Holy Trinity Church [f], Hamburg Jacobikirche [g], Columbus St-Joseph Cathedral [h], Haarlem Bavokerk [i], Paris St-Sulpice [j], Paris Notre-Dame [k], Brooklyn Our Lady of Refuge [l]
- Disque JAV; 182,
parution en 2009
Double CD au profit de la restauration de l'orgue Kilgen op. 5163 de Our Lady of Refuge Church, Notre-Dame du Refuge à Brooklyn, New York.
David Briggs, Daniel Roth, Olivier Latry, Philippe Lefebvre et Jean-Pierre Leguay offrent sur ce disque des improvisations inédites qui participent au caractère exceptionnel de cet opus.
Ce double CD est uniquement disponible par correspondance au prix de 35€ (30£) sur le site d'une filiale anglaise de JAV Recordings : « Allegro »
4 - Stephen THARP
Organ Classics from St Patrick Cathedral
J. J. Mouret
: Fanfare-Rondeau from Suite de Symphonies (1729)
J. S. Bach
: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, BWV 147 *
A. Campra
: Rigaudon from Idomenee (1712) *
W. A. Mozart
: Ave Verum Corpus (KV 618)
S. Barber
: Adagio for Strings (1938)
G. F. Haendel
: Chorus; Hallelujah from Messiah (1741-42), Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above *, Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, Jesus Christ is risen today
R. Vaughan Williams
: Rhosymedre from Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes (1920)
L. Vierne
: Naiades from Pieces de Fantaisie; Quatrième Livre, Op. 54
C.-M. Widor
: Allegro from 6e Symphonie, Op. 42, No. 2
- New York St-Patrick's Church
- Disque JAV; 185,
2009, * John Lambert, trumpet
5 - Stephen THARP
Regina Immaculata
M. Duruflé
: Messe Cum Jubilo, Notre-Père
S. Tharp
: 6 Improvisations
- Rome Chapelle du séminaire du Vatican
- Disque JAV; 181,
2008, Seminary Choir of the Pontifical North American College, dir. Christopher Berry
66-rank 3-manual Mascioni Organ, Opus 630, built in 1953 and designed by Fernando Germani in the Seminary's Chapel, Vatican.
6 - Stephen THARP
J. S. Bach
: Trio Sonata in E Minor, BWV 528; Prelude and Fugue in D Major, BWV 532
D. Buxtehude
: Praeludium in E Minor, BuxWV 142
G. Böhm
: Vater Unser in Himmelreich (a 2 Claviers et Pedal)
N. Bruhns
: Praeludium in G Major
F. Liszt
: Ave Maria von Arcadelt, S. 659
L. Vierne
: Feux Follets
J. Alain
: Variations sur un thème de Clément Jannequin
F. Peeters
: Toccata, Fugue and Hymne on Ave maris stella (1935)
- Haarlem Bavokerk
- Disque JAV; 178,
Sept. 2007
7 - Stephen THARP
J. S. Bach
: Variations Goldberg BWV 988
- Columbus St-Joseph Cathedral
- Disque JAV; 172,
août 2007
8 - Stephen THARP
Hymns -Old and new
C. Goudimel
H. Howells
W. H. Monk
W. Croft
T. Tallis
C. V. Stanford
W. K. Trafka
- Toledo Cathedral of our Lady-Queen of the Most Holy Rosary
- Disque JAV; 162,
List of Hymns on the CD
The strife is o’er, the battle won - tune: Victory (William H. Monk)
All my hope on God is founded - tune: Michael (Herbert Howells)
Comfort, comfort ye my people - tune: Psalm 42 (Claude Goudimel)
A mighty fortress is our God - tune: Ein feste Burg (Martin Luther)
Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound - tune: New Britain
God of our fathers, whose almighty hand - tune: National Hymn (George W. Warren)
I vow to thee, my country - tune: Thaxted (Gustav Holst)
The Church’s one foundation - tune: Aurelia (Samuel S. Wesley)
Joyful, joyful, we adore thee - tune: Hymn to Joy (Ludwig van Beethoven)
When Jesus left his Father’s throne - tune: Kingsfold (English folk melody, adapt. Ralph V. Williams)
Hark! A thrilling voice is sounding - tune: Merton (William H. Monk)
All glory, laud and honor - tune: Valet will ich dir geben (Melchior Teschner)
The Lord will come and not be slow - tune: York (The CL Psalmes of David)
Ride on! Ride on in majesty! - tune: The King’s Majesty (Graham George)
O God, our help in ages past - tune: St. Anne (William Croft)
I heard the voice of Jesus say - tune: The Third Tune (Thomas Tallis)
As newborn stars were stirred to song - tune: Alexandra (John K. Hirten)
Notre Dame, Our Mother - tune: Notre Dame (Joseph Casasanta)
Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming - tune: Es ist ein Ros
Lord, you give the great commission - tune: Tully (William Trafka)
When in our music God is glorified - tune: Engelberg (Charles V. Stanford)
Only begotten, Word of God eternal - tune: Rouen (melody from Vesperale)
9 - Stephen THARP
A. Guilmant
: 5e Sonate in C Minor, Op. 80
O. Latry
: Arabesque (2000)
J. Jongen
: Prière from Quatre pièces pour orgue, Op. 37; Sonata Eroica, Op. 94
C. Tournemire
: Pastorale from Suite de morceaux pour orgue, Op. 24
N. Hakim
: Final from Hommage à Igor Stravinsky (1987)
- New York Brick Presbyterian Church
- Disque JAV; 160,
Orgue Casavant Opus 3837
New York, New York
Brick Presbyterian Church
4 manuals, 88 stops, 118 ranks, 2005
10 - Stephen THARP
M. Dupré
: Le Chemin de la Croix, op. 29
- Paris St-Sulpice
- Disque JAV; 161,
19 disques
Source: base de donnée discographique
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