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Bernard GAVOTY [1]
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- Prochain concert -
Mardi 18 Février
Paris (75)
cathédrale Notre-Dame
Jour de l'Orgue
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33 discos
1 - Simon LINDLEY [1], Francis JACKSON [2]
Choral & Instrumental Music Medieval to Modern
J. S. Bach
: Toccata & Fugue en ré min. BWV 565 [1]
J. H. Fiocco
: Andante, la Légère [1]
J. Brahms
: Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen from Op 122 [1]
P. A. Yon
: Humoresque (1]
B. Marcello
: Voluntary on psalm 18, 20 [1]
B. Pasquini
: Partite sopra l' aria della Follia da Espagna [1]
A. Valente
: La Romanesca (Napoli, 1575) [1]
G. Burgon
: Theme from Brideshead Revisited [1]
L. Boëllmann
: Suite gothique [2]
C. Franck
: 3e Choral [1]
- Howard Castle Chapel
- Disque Amphion; 225,
2005, F. Jackson & C. Rathbone piano, St-Peters Singers & The Choir of Leeds Parish Church
orgue Harrison & Harrison (1873)
2 - Francis JACKSON
The Father Willis Organ, St George's Church, Gateshead
L. Vierne
: Cortège, Scherzetto, Prélude
J. S. Bach
: Prelude & Fugue (The Wedge) en mi mineur BWV 548
P. Nardini
: Andante from Viola Sonata in F minor (arr. Francis Jackson)
H. Statham
: Rhapsody in C
F. Jackson
: Improvisation on Irish, Fantasia Campaniculata, Prelude on Kettlebaston
W. A. Mozart
: Fantasia KV 608
A. Guilmant
: Allegretto si op. 19
L. Sowerby
: Toccata
- Gateshead St-George's church
- Disque Amphion; 194,
Février 2004
3 - Francis JACKSON
Organ Music of Samuel Wesley Volume One
S. Wesley
: Andante Maestoso in D (IV) Twelve Short Pieces for Organ [2] G [3] G [4] G [5] A minor [6] A minor [7] A minor [8] A minor [9] F [10] F [11] F [12] D [13] D [14] D [15]-[16] Voluntary & Fugue in D minor [17] A melody Voluntary (Harding) in B flat; [18] Spirited [19] Moderately Slow [20] Lively [21] Old English Melody in F Voluntary (Linley) in G minor; [22] Largo [23] Moderato [24] Scraps for the organ No. 3 in G [25] Scraps for the organ No.4 in E flat Voluntary (Harding) in E minor; [26] Slow [27] Chearful not brisk in E major [28] God save the King Variations in D (1820)
F. Jackson
: Jig from Georgian Suite for Organ
- Edith Weston [St Mary the Virgin Church]
- Disque Amphion; PHI 192,
Nov. 2002 CD
historic 1787 Samuel Green Chamber Organ
St Mary the Virgin Church, Edith Weston, Rutland
4 - Francis JACKSON
P. Whitlock
: Symphony g min. for organ and orchestra [1]
F. Jackson
: Concerto for organ, Timpani, Celesta [2]
- York Minster [1], York University Concert Hall [2]
- Disque Amphion; PHI 155,
1999, University of York Orchestra, J. Wainwright
5 - Francis JACKSON
Organ Music From Haddo House, Aberdeenshire
J. S. Bach
: Pièces BWV 535, 649, 529
H. Smart
: Andante and Postlude
E. Grieg
: At the Cradle
L. Boëllmann
: Ronde française
M. Camidge
: Concerto N°1
J. Ireland
: The Holy Boy & Villanella
M. Ravel
: Trios beaux oisieaux du paradis
L. Vierne
: Divertissement
- Haddo House
- Disque Amphion; 193,
orgue Father Willis
6 - Francis JACKSON
Organ Music from the Isle of Purbeck Performed by Francis Jackson Played on the historic 1880 organ in St James's Church Kingston in Purbeck, Dorset
E. Silas
: Fantasia & Fugue in E minor
H. Smart
: Air with Variations & Finale Fugato
S. H. Nicholson
: Impromptu No. 2 in D (1907)
H. Willan
: Chorale Prelude on Quem Pastores Chorale Prelude on Vulpius
F. Jackson
: Interlude & The Sweet Rivelet from The Hovingham Sketches
M. Camidge
: Concerto III in A minor
M. Festing
: Largo - Allegro - Aria & Two Variations (arr. George Thalben-Ball (1896-1987)
C.-M. Widor
: Andante Cantabile from 4e Symphony
T. Salome
: Offertoire in F minor from Ten Pieces, Book One
A. Guilmant
: Final en Mib (Grand Choeur, Op.40)
- Kingston in Purbeck
- Disque Amphion; PHI 213,
Août 1995
orgue 1880
7 - Francis JACKSON
The Organ at Castle Howard played by Francis Jackson
G. F. Haendel
: Overture ‘Occasional Oratorio'
A. Guilmant
: Communion n°1
W. Wolstenholme
: Allegretto Op. 17
E. Macdowell
J. Jongen
: Chant de mai, Menuet-Scherzo
H. Smart
: Andante in E minor No.3
R. Vaughan Williams
: 3 Preludes Founded on Welsh Hymn Tunes
F. Jackson
: Hymn tune Prelude in ‘East Acklam'
J. S. Bach
: Fugue in G. (Fugue a la Gigue)
F. Mendelssohn
: 5e Sonate
- Castle Howard
- Disque Amphion; PHI 130,
arrsion of Durham in 1875, In 1991 the organ was fully restored by Principal Pipe Organs of York to the original specification.
8 - Francis JACKSON
Francis Jackson York Minster Organ Recitals 1994-2002
J. S. Bach
: Passacaglia in C minor BWV 582
C. Franck
: Final
F. Mendelssohn
: Ouverture Ruy Blas (Arranged Edwin Lemare)
F. Peeters
: Variations on an original Theme op. 58
J. Jongen
: Menuet-Scherzo
R. Watson
: Jubiläum
F. Jackson
: Worcester Processional op. 83, Legend op. 79
- York Minster
- Disque Amphion; PHI 179,
1994-2002 CD
9 - Francis JACKSON
Stanford Organ Works
C. V. Stanford
: Organ Works - Six Short Preluds & Postludes, Set 1 Op.101; Six Short Preluds & Postludes, Set 2 Op.105; Fantasy and Fugue In d, Op.103; Prelude and Fugue In c, Op.193 No.2 ; Prelude (In the form of a Minuet) Op.88 No.1 ; Prelude (In the form of a Toccata) Op.88 No.3;
- Sledmere House [Yorkshire]
- Disque Amphion; PHI 126,
vers 1994?
1. Six Short Prlds & Postludes, Set 1 Op.101: I. Allegretto
2. Six Short Prlds & Postludes, Set 1 Op.101: II. Allegro non troppo e pesante
3. Six Short Prlds & Postludes, Set 1 Op.101: III. Allegro non troppo
4. Six Short Prlds & Postludes, Set 1 Op.101: IV. Andante tranquillo
5. Six Short Prlds & Postludes, Set 1 Op.101: V. Andante Maestoso
6. Six Short Prlds & Postludes, Set 1 Op.101: VI. Andante con moto
7. Fant and Fugue In d, Op.103
8. Prld and Fugue In c, Op.193 No.2
9. Prld (In the form of a Minuet) Op.88 No.1
10. Prld (In the form of a Toccata) Op.88 No.3
11. Six Short Prlds & Postludes, Set 2 Op.105: I. Andante tranquillo. On a Theme of Orlando Gibbons...
12. Six Short Prlds & Postludes, Set 2 Op.105: II. Allegro. On a Theme of Orlando Gibbons...
13. Six Short Prlds & Postludes, Set 2 Op.105: III. Lento
14. Six Short Prlds & Postludes, Set 2 Op.105: IV. Allegro moderato. On a Theme of Orlando Gibbons...
15. Six Short Prlds & Postludes, Set 2 Op.105: V. Allegretto. Trio.
16. Six Short Prlds & Postludes, Set 2 Op.105: VI. Allegro
10 - Francis JACKSON
F. Jackson
: intégrale
- Blackburn Cathedral, York Minster, Lincoln Minster
- Disque Priory; 453, 500, 504, 930,
1993, 1994, 1996 4CD
33 discos
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