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Arnaud DE PASQUALE [1]
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- Prochain concert -
Jeudi 19 Septembre
Bruxelles (Belgique)
Église Saint-Servais
Jour de l'Orgue
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Lieu / Eglise
6 disques
1 - Tineke STEENBRINK [2; 5; 6; 7; 8], Francesca AJOSSA [4], Jan HAGE [3], Lise MORRISON [1]
Slow Roads
I. Vukosavljevic
: The Ladder The Ladder [1]; When You Are Able To Become The Patterns Of The Earth [2]; Triptych [3]; Ramum Olivae [4]; Porete [5]; Echo (after Sweelinck) [6] ; The Ladder II [7] ; Psalm [8]
- Krewerd [1], Zeerijp Jacobuskerk [2; 7; 8], Oosthuizen [3], Midwolde [4], Kantens Antoniuskerk [5; 6]
- Disque Elsewheremusic,
'Slow Roads' is an album of eight pieces written by Hague-based Serbian composer Ivan Vukosavljevic between 2019 and 2022, for solo 1/4 comma meantone organ. All eight pieces were recorded in 2022 on five different historic organs, dating from the early 16th to mid-17th centuries, located in medieval churches scattered throughout the countryside of the northern Netherlands. Each piece was adapted for a specific organ, as they vary considerably in their disposition. All eight pieces are written in unmeasured notation, with bars removed and only rhythms and phrase contours suggested.
On this album, Vukosavljevic adopts a meantone temperament that echoes the sentiments of late medieval and Renaissance keyboard music, while valuing the contemplative aspect of the music, to create organ music as his own voice that resonates with the present time. Five of the eight pieces were performed by Tineke Steenbrink, co-founder of the Dutch early music ensemble Holland Baroque. Francesca Ajossa, Jan Hage and Lise Morrison performed one piece each.
”The Netherlands has one of the liveliest organ cultures in the world, which unfortunately doesn’t communicate too much with the culture of contemporary music, and vice versa. There exist certain categories with borders that are not crossed too often. However, with this organ album I was excited to fully immerse myself in everything that surrounds the organ culture in the Netherlands, in the hope that I would come up with something new and of value.”
“The breath of pipes, the growl at the very entrance of a note, the richness of sound of a single pipe…these have been eliminated in later organ construction, but are everything that draws me into its sound world.” – Ivan Vukosavljevic
2 - Matthias HAVINGA
Dutch Delight: Organ Music from the golden age - 500 years of organ music Cd 8
: XLIX Wilhelmus; XIV - Almande prynce ; Daphne ; De frans galliard; Serbande XXXVI; XIII Almande Brun Smeedelyn
J. P. Sweelinck
: Fantasia Chromatica a 4 in D minor, SwWV258 ; Almande Gratie, SwWV318/N7 'More Palatino' ; Mein junges Leben hat ein End - variations ; Ballo del Granduca ; Psalm 36 C8 ; Malle Sijmen; Fantasia a 3 in G minor, SwWV271
H. Speuÿ
: Psalm 118 'Dancket den Heer seer hoogh' ghepresen'
A. van Noordt
: Psaume 24
C. Schuyt
: Padovana del decimo modo ; Gagliarda del decimo modo
G. Havingha
: Ouverture Octava; Vivace
- Zeerijp Jacobuskerk
- Disque BRILLIANT;,
orgue T. Faber / Blank & B. Edskes (1651-1979)
3 - Sietze de VRIES, Wim van BEEK [*]
Pronkjuwelen in Stad en Ommeland
J. S. Bach
: Pièces BWV 659-661, 564, 768, 572* [1]
S. van Soldt
H. Scheidemann
A. de Cabezon
J. P. Sweelinck
F. Tunder
D. Buxtehude
M. Weckmann
J. A. Reinken
J. L. Krebs
J. P. Kellner
K. P. E. Bach
T. S. Dupuis
W. Hine
Félix Mendelssohn
R. Schumann
J. Brahms
S. de Vries
: Improvisations
- Groningen Martinikerk [1], Krewerd, Zeerijp Jacobuskerk, Midwolde, Kantens, Noordwolde, Groningen Pelstergasthuiskerk, Noordbroek, Nieuw Scheemda, Uithuizen Jacobikerk, Appingedam, Leens, Zandeweer, Loppersum, Nieuwolda, Zuidbroek, Huizinge, Farmsum, Middelstum
- Disque Fugue State Films;,
2009-2010, 5CDS et DVD
The DVD contains the documentary film Martinikerk Rondeau which features Cor Edskes, Jürgen Ahrend, Bernhardt Edkes, Reint Wobbes.
CD II - De orgels van Krewerd, Zeerijp, Midwolde, Kantens, Noordwolde en de Pelstergasthuiskerk te Groningen
Susanne van Soldt Manuscript (anonymus, 16e eeuw):
[01] Almande de La nonette
Sietze de Vries:
[02-07] Geïmproviseerde variaties op ‘Almande de La nonette’ (‘Von Gott will ich nicht lassen’)
Sietze de Vries:
[08] Geïmproviseerde zetting ‘Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott’
Heinrich Scheidemann (±1595-1663):
[09-10] ‘Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott’ (2 versus)
Sietze de Vries:
[11-15] Improvisatie Psalm 84 (5 versus)
Antonio de Cabezon (1510-1566):
[16] Diferencias sobre la gallarda milanesa
Sietze de Vries:
[17-22] Improvisatie: variaties op ‘Komt vrienden in het ronden’
Jan Pietersz. Sweelinck (1562-1621):
[23] Est-ce mars
Sietze de Vries:
[24-27] Improvisatie Psalm 31 (4 versus)
Franz Tunder (1614-1667):
[28] Praeludium in g
Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707):
[29-30] ‘Ach Gott und Herr’ (2 versus) BuxWV 177
Sietze de Vries:
[31-35] Improvisatie Psalm 100 (5 versus)
Matthias Weckmann (±1616 – 1674):
[36-38] Ach wir armen Sünder (3 versus)
Sietze de Vries:
[39-45] Improvisatie Psalm 136 (7 versus)
CD III - De orgels van Noordbroek, Nieuw-Scheemda, Uithuizen en Appingedam
Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707):
[01] Praeludium g-moll BuxWV 148
Sietze de Vries (*1973):
[02-08] Improvisatie Psalm 47 (7 versus)
Johann Adam Reincken (1643-1722)
[09] Fuga g-moll
Sietze de Vries:
[10-14] Improvisatie over het Magnificat (5 versus)
Dietrich Buxtehude:
[15] Praeludium C-dur BuxWV 137
Sietze de Vries:
[16-21] Improvisatie: Psalm 42 (‘Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele’) (6 versus)
Heinrich Scheidemann (ca.1595-1663):
[22] Praelambulum d-moll
[23] ‘Jesu, wollst uns weisen’
Sietze de Vries:
[24-30] Improvisatie: ‘Lob Gott getrost mit Singen’ (7 versus)
CD IV - De orgels van Leens, Zandeweer, Loppersum en Nieuwolda
Nicolaus Bruhns (1665-1697):
[01] Praeludium e-moll
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750):
[02] ‘Wir glauben all’ an einen Gott’ (a 2 Claviers con Pedale doppio) BWV 765
Sietze de Vries (*1973):
[03-07] Improvisatie ‘Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten’ (5 versus)
Sietze de Vries:
[08] geïmproviseerde zetting Psalm 23
Jan Pietersz. Sweelinck (1562-1621):
[09-11] Psalm 23 ‘Mein hütter undt mein hirtt’ (3 versus)
Sietze de Vries:
[12-15] Improvisatie Psalm 123 (4 versus)
Johann Ludwig Krebs (1717-1780):
[16-17] Jesu, meine Freude (2 versus)
Sietze de Vries:
[18-21] Improvisatie ‘Jesu, meine Freude’ (4 versus)
Johann Peter Kellner (1705-1772):
[22] ‘Was Gott thut das ist wohlgethan’ a 2 Clavier et Pedal
Sietze de Vries:
[23-27] Improvisatie ‘Was Gott thut das ist wohlgethan’ (5 versus)
CD V - De orgels van Zuidbroek, Huizinge, Farmsum en Middelstum
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788):
[01] Allegro assai uit de Sonata per il Organo solo in a-moll Wq.70
Sietze de Vries (*1973)
4 - Bernard WINSEMIUS
Sweelinck - His sources, his influence Vol. 3
J. P. Sweelinck
: ‘Onder een linde groen', Christie qui lux es et dies', Fantasia Ut , re, mi, fa, sol, la, Paduana lachrimae, Malle Sijmen, Pavana Philippi, Variations on Psalm 23, Toccata d
J. Butler
: De liefde, Voortgebracht door reyn geloof
P. Philips
: Passamezzo Galiarda, Fantasia F
H. Scheidemann
: Preambulum d
Manuscrit de Leningrad
: Wilhelmus, Rosemont
J. Bull
: In Nomine n°3, Fantasia ‘Op de fuge van M. Jan Pieterss'
S. van Soldt
: Almande, Uut de diepte o Heere
- Edam, Zeerijp, Virginals
- Disque Intersound 1009,
A. Schlick
: Antiphona ad Benedictus, Maria zart
A. Padovano
: Toccata del sesto tono
H. L. Hassler
: Canzon septimi toni
: My Lady Careys Dompe
- Zeerijp Jacobuskerk
- Disque Debanier;,
Het Orgel Van De Jacobuskerk Te Zeerijp Bespeeld Door Stef Tuinstra
Gerhardus van Wou
: 2 Luidlokken
J. Staden
: Intrada
S. Scheidt
: Alamanda Bruynsmedelijn (7 Variaties); Koraalzetting Vater Unser Im Himmelreich
J. U. Steigleder
: Toccata Vater Unser
S. van Soldt
: Almande
H. Scheidemann
: Praeambulum No. 5 In D
M. Weckmann
: Magnificat II. Toni (4 Variaties)
J. P. Sweelinck
: Psalm 36/68 (3 Variaties)
C. Goudimel
: Psalm 68
- Zeerijp Jacobuskerk
- Disque Univox,
22 février 1982
6 disques
Source: base de donnée discographique
Version imprimable
Version smartphone
© Alain Cartayrade 1999 - 2024